Did you know ... when white people came to Australia they took the lands of the First Australians and used it for their individual gains?

New laws came into effect that took away the freedom of these Aboriginal Australians to care for their country of birth and inheritance, as well as their families.

Those who survived the violence and sickness had their movements restricted. For example, a Wathaurong person was not allowed to be seen in the streets of Geelong after sundown.

Children of mixed marriages were always on the run from the Welfare officers to avoid being taken away from their mothers. Mothers were not allowed to speak to their children in their own language.

White welfare officers had the right to enter an Aboriginal person’s home, at any time, to check that there was no dust on the shelves, the beds were made with ‘hospital corners’ and there was enough food in the cupboard. If the Aboriginal family failed these tests, the children were taken away.

These events happened as recently as the 1960s and early 1970s and there are many local people who vividly remember these times.

Ever since the white takeover of their nation states, the basic human rights of Aboriginal Australians have been ignored.

Aboriginal Australians have struggled for over 200 years to get a fair deal for themselves and their people, and unfortunately they continue to do so. Research shows that racism still impacts negatively on the lives of most Aboriginal Australians but many Australians do not want to acknowledge that it exists. This highlights how much the non-Aboriginal community still has to learn about what life is like for many Aboriginal people.

Provided by Uncle David Tournier