The Wadawurrung Language app is available on an iPhone / iPad at: Wadawurrung words have been spoken in this area for many thousands of years and can be accessed on the free Wadawurrung language app available through iTunes.
how do you do? nyurra wurriyn
goodbye kun.gadji
take care globata
yes yi-yi
no ngan-ngan
mother ngardang
father gurrau
baby pupup
child babab
sister (elder) tjatjarrang
sister (younger) barrmbarra
brother koki
brother (eldest) wardang
brother (youngest) djidji
aunty baba-rrang
uncle tandop
kangaroo (male) goim guliwan
kangaroo goim ngurgang
wombat ngurr-ngurr
echidna mon.garrk
raven (crow) waa
eagle lok-lok
magpie parrwang
ringtail possum barnong
koala ngaambulmum
platypus perridak
Pronunciation guide
a as in cart
e as in egg
ee as in feet
oo as in look
o as in pot
rt tongue curled back and released into t
ty or yt combination of t and y
rn tongue curled back and released into n
nh tongue touching back of teeth released into n
ny or yn combination of n and y
ng as in sing
rl tongue curled backwards and released into l
rr as in road